What currency are the prices listed?
- All prices listed are in Singapore Dollars (SGD).
- Sorry we do not accept Credit Card Payment at this point in time. We only accept Cash on Delivery (COD). Bank Transfer/Fund Transfer will be considered in the near future.
- We will be opening up more meet up areas soon. City areas like City Hall and Tanjong Pagar are the first few areas to open up.
- All our products are strictly authentic. We will never ever sell fake goods to diminish our reputation. Country of origin is always checked before being accepted and post on sale.
- Depending on what goods, most skin care products will have an expiry date. We check and regularly stock up hence you can be sure that the manufacture dates are recent dates.
- Click on Order / Enquiry on the menu bar and enter your particulars as well as the details of the goods you are interested in. Remember to state the brand/type and the quantity of purchase. We will then reply you within 24 hours.
- We have establish a refund policy. Please refer to the our refund policy here. In short all refunds are treated on a case by case manner and only defect goods which are reported within 5 days starting from the day of payment will be entertained. No negotiation after grace period stated above.